The Mont Pelerin Society continues its efforts to involve younger members in the Society and to recruit new young scholars who have the potential to become members in the future. As part of that effort, the Society is organizing sessions at the 2024 Biennial Congress and General Meeting in New Delhi, India for scholars aged 35 years or younger to present their research.
The program committee will consider submissions on all topics related to the Society’s aims but is particularly interested in papers that address the meeting’s theme: Freedom & Prosperity for the Next 6 Billion. We encourage submissions related to our plenary themes
Applications will be considered only from candidates who are
The sessions will be cross-disciplinary in economics and other social sciences.
The Young Scholars Program sessions will feature short presentations (15 minutes) by four young scholars in each session. The proposals should be NEW research of the style that one would present at a professional association meeting in the appropriate discipline.
Proposals will be evaluated on the importance of the topic proposed, how it is addressed, how it fits within the conference program theme, and how it fits with other papers proposed by young scholars. To propose a paper, please send the following materials to the Young Scholars Program Committee at no later than May 15, 2024.
Successful applicants will be notified by June 15, 2024. Completed drafts of the papers will be due no later than July 31, 2024.