Poster Presentations - Guidelines

Poster Presentations - Guidelines

Posters for presentations are selected through the abstract submission process and are presented during moderated poster walks in dedicated sessions. You will have up to 3 minutes to present your poster. Posters from these sessions can be also viewed by delegates at any time during lunch and tea-times at the various poster stations.

Poster technical requirements

Posters should be uploaded to the submission system as a .pdf file. Please note only .pdf files will be accepted. An official poster template has been prepared. Use of the template is encouraged but not mandatory, however all presenters should adhere to the following technical guidelines in preparing posters.

  • Text should be readable and of appropriate size. Use sans serif fonts of 60 point or more (in the template).
  • If you did not opt for the $10 poster printing charge during registration, please bring your own printed poster for presentation at the conference.
  • Poster Board Dimension: 91.44 cm by 121.92 cm ( Portrait )
  • The use of the conference colours (#164F9B; #EE312A) is encouraged but not mandatory and you may use any colours that you wish.
  • You may use organisational logos on posters. Logos should be high resolution (300 dpi) and use should be cleared by the respective organisation/s.
  • The use of the official templates is encouraged but not mandatory.

Important dates:

Slide/poster submission date (for preliminary review):

Final slide/poster sub


Slide template: One official poster templates are available for use. Though not required, use of a template is strongly encouraged.

SAFETY2024 also endorses the #BetterPoster campaign and presenters may use the respective templates (or modifications of them) from #BetterPoster which can be found here: