The international experts will unite with a shared goal of “Building a safer future for all: Equitable and sustainable strategies for injury and violence prevention”. The Conference will focus on 5 key themes, each addressing critical aspects of global injury and violence prevention. These themes include improving coordination and collaboration among stakeholders, strengthening the capacity for research and practice, integrating injury prevention with global health agendas such as sustainability and equity, empowering communities, and promoting informed policymaking.
Safety 2024 Conference Plan
8:30-9:00 |
Opening session
Durbar Ballroom |
09:00-10:15 |
"Plenary 1: Plenary session & panel - From the Margins to the Mainstream: Transforming Knowledge for Equitable Injury Prevention"
Room: Durbar Ballroom Plenary - 1
10:15-10:45 |
Tea and coffee break + Group Photo at Black Staircase
10:45-12:15 |
Parallel Session 1:
Chair: Dr Karen Hughes, Public Health Wales, UK
Room: Shahjehan Ballroom
(V1) Violence - Gender Based
Paper number: 2
Dr. Colm WalshQueens University Belfast
Y-Box: A proof of concept for engaging boys and young men in violent injury prevention
Paper number: 63
Dr. Lindsay StarkWashington University In St. Louis
Understanding preferences for seeking health services for survivors of sexual violence in Uganda: A discrete choice experiment
Paper number: 386
Dr. Suresh JungariInternational Institute For Population Sciences
Fatal Injuries of Intimate Partner Violence among women in India: A neglected area of injury prevention
Paper number: 387
Prof. Richard MatzopoulosSouth African Medical Research Council
Who is killing South African men?: a retrospective descriptive study of forensic and police investigations into male homicide
Paper number: 297
Dr Sanjida AroraCentre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes
Health system readiness to respond to violence against women: Implications from three tertiary health facilities in Maharashtra
Paper number: 624
Ms. Shafiqa MehryAga Khan University
30 years trends of intentional injuries among women in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India: Findings from Global Burden of Disease (GBD) data
Paper number: 659
Ms. Kyriaki VagionakiLaboratory Of Health And Road Safety, Dept. Os Social Work, Hellenic Mediterranean University
Counselling for domestic violence offenders: An innovative program offered by a university laboratory in Greece, in collaboration with the justice system.
Paper number: 702
Dr. Casimiro MacuchaEduardo Mondlane University
An exploration of incarcerated women’s conceptualisation and account of their intimate partner violence perpetration in Maputo, Mozambique.
Paper number: 710
Mr. Jose ChidassicuaInstituto Nacional De Saude
Exploring IPV Experiences and HIV Risk Reduction Strategies in Serodiscordant Couples in Mozambique
Chair: Dr Colleen Saunders, UCT, South Africa
Room: Mumtaz
(D1) Drowning Data
Paper number: 61
Mr. Emmanual NakuaElectrochemical Safety Research Centre
Understanding the burden and circumstances of fatal drowning in coastal versus inland districts in Ghana
Paper number: 75
Dr. Minh NguyenDevelopment And Policies Research Center
Economic analysis of survival swim intervention: Viet Nam case and lesson learnt for low and middle income countries
Paper number: 397
A Prof. Susan G DevineJames Cook University, Townsville, Australia
Water transport-related drowning in Indonesia: A review
Paper number: 658
Ms. Nishu TyagiEdith Cowan University
A correlational study of the relationship between drowning mortalities and economic condition of Costal and Non-Coastal States/UTs in India
Paper number: 152
Ms. Carlene McAvoyThe Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Scotland's Drowning and Incident Review - insight and implications
Paper number: 207
Mr. Md Shafkat HossainCentre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (ciprb)
Using Human-Centred Design (HCD) to develop community-led interventions for preventing drowning among children under 2 years in rural Bangladesh
Paper number: 391
Dr. Rebecca SindallRoyal National Lifeboat Institution (rnli)
Sector-specific data collection to inform policy in the artisanal fishing industry in East Africa
Paper number: 394
Mr. Tom MecrowRoyal National Lifeboat Institution
The use of community risk mapping to identify areas with high drowning risk
Chair: Dr Puspa Pant, UWE, UK
Room: Jehangir
(M1) Participatory Methods in Injury Prevention
Paper number: 182
MSc. Giang Bui Thi ThuGlobal Health Advocacy Incubator
Promote Community-Based Initiatives for Reducing Child Drowning Deaths in Vietnam
Paper number: 120
Ms. Preeti GautamNepal Injury Research Centre, Kathmandu Medical College Public Limited, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Facilitators and barriers to inclusive and safe mobility on urban roads in Kathmandu, Nepal: a participatory research study
Paper number: 328
Ms. Megan OakeyInjury Prevention and Safety Promotion, BCCDC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Critical elements of public attitudes and support for speed enforcement in B.C., Canada: results of two province-wide surveys
Paper number: 475
Ms. Lexi BullickGlobal Health Advocacy Incubator
Promoting Community-Based Initiatives for Reducing Child Drowning Deaths in Vietnam
Paper number: 275
Mrs Hong BuiAIP Foundation
Enable youth participation in improving cycling safety in Vietnam
Paper number: 768
Ms. Sana'a KhasawnehYours
Youth Voices in Road Safety: Improving Engagement in Evaluation through Digital Storytelling
Paper number: 80
Mr. Charles Ssemugabo Department of Disease Control & Environmental Health. Makerere University School of Public Health.
Community engagement and environmental modifications to reduce injury risks among children in a low-income urban community in Uganda
Paper number: 327
Mr. Charles SsemugaboDepartment of Disease Control & Environmental Health. Makerere University School of Public Health.
Enhancing Public Health Research in LMICs: An Innovative Course Integrating CBPR and HCD for Child Injury Prevention
Paper number: 1
Dr. Pengpeng YeNational Centre for Non-Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Using a participatory design to develop an implementation framework for integrating falls prevention for older people within Chinese primary health care system
Chair: Dr Morag MacKay, Safekids Worldwide, USA
Room: Roshanara
(C1) Child - Social Determinants
Paper number: 55
Professor Denise KendrickUniversity Of Nottingham
The importance of context: Factors influencing the implementation of parental safety practices in the home: A qualitative study.
Paper number: 52
Dr. Michelle BauerUniversity Of British Columbia
"Fear" as the departure from risky to dangerous play: Children’s perspectives on injury, safety, and having fun outdoors in low- to mid-income communities
Paper number: 56
Dr. Michelle BauerUniversity Of British Columbia
Child injuries in Syrian refugee camps and villages in Lebanon: Discourses of conflict and the struggle for medical aid
Paper number: 126
Dr. Sarit Shimony KanatOno Academic College, Israel
Beyond Borders: Unraveling Social Determinants of Health and Child Unintentional Injury Mortality
Paper number: 537
Dr. Mikiko OonoNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
How much you can supervise children during housework
Chair: Prof Anne Tiedemann, Sydney University, Australia
Room: Sheesh Mahal
(F1) Falls - General
Paper number: 117
Professor Elizabeth OrtonUniversity Of Nottingham
Spread, adoption, implementation and maintenance of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme; learning from a mixed methods implementation study in demographically diverse regions of the UK
Paper number: 566
Prof. Yogendra B. GurungTribhuvan University, Central Department Of Population Studies
Fall injuries in Nepal: Studies of selected tertiary hospitals from all seven provinces
Paper number: 261
Ms. Elizabeth ArmstrongUniversity Of New South Wales
Fall-related hip fracture: a ‘gap’ analysis of data from the observational INternational ORthopaedic MUlticenter Study in Fracture Care (INORMUS)
Paper number: 263
Ms. Elizabeth ArmstrongUniversity Of New South Wales
Exploring Clinician and Manager Perspectives on Hip Fracture Care Quality Standards: A Qualitative Study Using the Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Paper number: 647
Professor Pip LoganUniversity Of Nottingham
Implementing an evidence based falls prevention programme in Care Homes in the UK and other countries
Paper number: 164
Dr. Robin Lee US-CDC, USA
Aging is inevitable but dying from and living with injury related disability is not.
Paper number: 574
Dr. Nipuna CoorayThe George Institute For Global Health, UNSW Sydney
Exploring the Potential of a Behaviour Theory–Informed Digital Intervention for Infant Fall Prevention: Mixed Methods Longitudinal Study
Chair: Dr Tashi Tobgay, SEARO, India
Room: Jahanara
(M2) COVID-related Injuries
Paper number: 64
Dr. Sarah RichmondUniversity of Toronto
COVID-19 policies and inflicted violence injuries among children and youth in Canada
Paper number: 157
Mr. Brice BatomenDalla Lana School Of Public Health
Road User Injury Trends during the COVID-19 Pandemic in major Canadian cities: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Paper number: 183
Dr. Md Zabir HasanJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Vehicle Overspeeding in Mumbai City, India: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Paper number: 256
Dr. Ian PikeUniversity Of British Columbia
The Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Policies on Unintentional Injuries in Children and Youths (0-19)
Paper number: 347
Miss Tiffany HenningUnisa, Institute for Social and Health Sciences; and Unisa-South Africa Medical Research Council, MaHRU
Household characteristics and economic factors associated with physical assault experienced by households in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic
Moderator: Prof Mathew Varghese
Room: Durbar Ballroom
PHOTO EXHIBIT (30 mins)Moderator: Prof Mathew Varghese
Room: Durbar Ballroom
EQUITY POWER WALK (45 minutes)
Room: Durbar Ballroom
EQUITY POWER WALK (45 minutes)Room: Durbar Ballroom
12:15-12:45 |
SPOTLIGHT session:
Ministerial Conferences on ending violence against children and Road Safety: how Safety 2024 delegates can help ensure success
Moderator: Dr Etienne Krug, WHO, Switzerland
Room: Shahjehan Ballroom
Poster Session 1: Injuries
Room: Durbar Ballroom
Paper number: 227
Aneta WnukMovement support solutions dedicated to people with reduced mobility (PRM) as an element of traffic medicine and falls prevention
Paper number: 539
Mohammad Amirul IslamEpidemiology of elderly falls in Bangladesh: findings from a community-based national representative survey
Paper number: 4
Rabindra BaskotaBuilding resilience: Lessons from public-private collaboration in rehabilitation of earthquake-injured persons in Nepal
Paper number: 31
Zheng JicuiA Local Injury Prevention Model based on Medical Institutions in China,Shanghai
Paper number: 139
Gayathri AruppolaInjury trends among patients presenting to National Hospital Kandy in Sri Lanka from 2012 - 2021
Paper number: 141
Madhu Sudan SharmaAn advocacy network for prioritizing key-risk factors and injury prevention in India
Paper number: 187
Mohammad Jahangir HossainMagnitude of lightening injury in Bangladesh- a nationally conducted survey findings
Paper number: 200
Abu Sayeed AbdullahThe pattern of injuries among underprivileged community- A Cross-Sectional study in teagardens
Paper number: 289
Xiao DengEpidemiological characteristics of fatal and non-fatal poisonings in China from 2009 to 2019
Paper number: 303
Preetha Menon KaruveetilIdentifying Key Stakeholder for Sustainable Quad Bike Injury Prevention Programs
Paper number: 307
Nabila NusratFatal injuries among adolescents in Bangladesh: findings from a nationally conducted survey.
Paper number: 311
Md Mizanur RahmanVenom Research Centre, Bangladesh: A National Initiative to Attain Antivenom Capacity
Paper number: 366
Anuchar SethasathienThe Effectiveness of Assessing the Probability of Survival for Trauma Patients at ER, by Registered Nurse in Sentinel Hospital of Thailand.
Paper number: 398
Shashank GhaiCompression garments as an intervention to improve proprioception to reduce risks of injury: Findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis
Paper number: 407
Himalaya SinghUse of web-based platform to disseminate the injury related data and information – a case study of Injury Atlas of Victoria
Paper number: 560
AKM Fazlur RahmanFostering a Paradigm shift: A close look on the Bangladesh’s Impactful Approach to Injury Research in Low-Resource Settings.
Paper number: 609
Nurrul Hafeezah SahakSafety-focused Service Learning: Beyond the Lecture
Paper number: 622
Salim ChowdhuryThe landscape of fatal injuries in Bangladesh: findings from a nationwide health and injury survey
Paper number: 626
Aashly Vincent SheebasherinHumanitarian logistics plan for adverse events in Delhi
Paper number: 643
Svetlana StojanovicChanges of health data recording and reporting system in Montenegro
Paper number: 688
Jintana KhamphakdiThe Guidelines of Interfacility Transfer for Emergency Patients during Flood in Warin Chamrab,Thailand
Paper number: 538
Tatsuhiro YamanakaInvestigation of Sleep Environment in Japan
Paper number: 674
Engel PrendergastHolistic Health Training for Rural Communities in India: an international collaboration between Mental Health Academy India and Mental Strides, Australia.
Paper number: 719
Courtney RyderNragi Ya:yun (healthy foods) initiative mobilising Aboriginal people on Ngarrindjeri Country for diabetes mellites remission
Paper number: 301
Vinay PremnathCharacterization of Fire, Smoke and Particulates from Lithium-ion fires for Fire-Fighter Safety |
12:15-13:00 |
Lunch + Spotlight + Poster viewing
13:00-15:15 |
Inaugural by Shri Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India
Room: Durbar Ballroom |
14:15-15:30 |
Parallel Session 2:
Chair: Prof Terry Smith, Galeatus, Italy
Room: Shahjehan Ballroom
(R1) Road Safety PTW
Paper number: 309
Dr Chika SakashitaGlobal Alliance Of Ngos For Road Safety
Leading a global working group for safe motorcycle helmets
Paper number: 324
Mr. Bonny Enock BalugabaDepartment of Disease Control & Environmental Health. Makerere University School of Public Health.
Helmet use and associated factors in Kampala city: a 2-year observational study
Paper number: 365
Dr. Felix Wilhelm SiebertTechnical University Of Denmark
Urban Motorcycle Helmet Use Surveillance in Southeast Asia - A Cost-Efficient Computer Vision Approach
Paper number: 587
Mr. Benjamin Noble AdjeiDepartment Of Epidemiology And Biostatistics, Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Comparison of observed and self-reported helmet use among motorcyclists in northern Ghana
Paper number: 697
Dr. Mohammad SaadatiKhoy University of Medical Sciences
Global motorcycle helmet use and determinants: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Paper number: 552
Dr Isha MadanNIMHANS India
Physical Environmental Attributes And Helmet Use In Bengaluru Metropolitan Region: An Ecological Study
Paper number: 368
Dr Nitaya RojtinnakornIndependent Researcher
Pilot area "Model community for safe motorcycle users" In Thailand
Paper number: 300
Mr. Luis Felipe MoralesRESONAR
Improving Motorcyclist Safety through Hearing in All Directions: Survey Results Concerning a Novel Protective Helmet with Earpieces
Chair: Prof Richard Franklin, James Cook University, Australia
Room: Mumtaz
(D2) Drowning General
Paper number: 400
Dr. Aminur RahmanCentre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (ciprb)
Leadership of Bangladesh in prevention of child drowning.
Paper number: 447
Miss Rabbya Ashrafi Center For Injury Prevention And Research Bangladesh
The effect of early childhood development (ECD) training in the drowning prevention project
Paper number: 461
Mr. Mohammad Amirul Islam Centre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (ciprb)
Possibilities for introducing survival swimming skills training program in rural areas of Bangladesh
Paper number: 427
Mr. Md Abul BorkatCentre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (ciprb)
Unveiling insights through social autopsy: enhancing drowning prevention in rural Bangladesh
Paper number: 585
Dr. Yeasir Inzzamam Iftekhar Centre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (ciprb)
Integrating Community Engagement with Lifeguard Services in Bangladesh: A Holistic Approach to Drowning Prevention
Paper number: 383
Dr. Nawshin TorshaCentre For Injury Prevention And Research Bangladesh
Knowledge and practice of communities on emergency medical services for injury-related events during floods in Bangladesh: an epidemiological study
Paper number: 394
Mr Shafkat HossainCentre For Injury Prevention And Research Bangladesh
The use of community risk mapping to identify areas with high drowning risk
Paper number: 628
Mr Lasith DissanayakeAvoidable Deaths Network Sri Lanka
How drowning data is collected in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs): A Scoping Review
Chair: Dr Sabine Rakotomalala, WHO, Switzerland
Room: Jehangir
(V2) Violence - Child Abuse and Healthcare
Paper number: 196
Dr. Aminur RahmanCentre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (ciprb)
Status of violence against healthcare personnel in Bangladesh
Paper number: 231
Dr. Shihning Chou University of Nottingham
Violence and Abuse towards Staff by Patients and the Public in General Practice: A Scoping Review
Paper number: 411
Ms. Nadia Butler Liverpool John Moores University
Violence, harassment, and abuse against healthcare workers in the UK: A review of the evidence
Paper number: 654
Dr. Maria PapadakakiHellenic Mediterranean University
Factors affecting teachers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices about child abuse: Data from Crete Region in Greece.
Paper number: 660
Ms. Kyriaki Vagionaki Laboratory Of Health And Road Safety, Dept. Os Social Work, Hellenic Mediterranean University
A counselling program for juvenile offenders of road traffic law: profile, attitudes and safety practices
Paper number: 482
Miss Rebecca Bates Liverpool John Moores University
Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership – Child/Adolescent to Parent/Caregiver Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) research study
Paper number: 487
Dr. Stela Saulina Carlota Ocuane MatsinheMaputo Central Hospital
Age and sex-related circumstances of Child Sexual Assault suspects assisted at Maputo Central Hospital Forensic Unity_Mozambique
Chair: Dr Brita Lang, GRSP
Room: Roshanara
Practice Stream 1
Paper number: 416
Mr. Harpreet Singh Dhunna International Road Victims Partnership
My Safety is My Right - A joint initiative of policy advocacy for safe and lower speed limits of 25kMH around school zones .
Paper number: 492
Dr Nino PaidachzeMilken Institute School of Public Health, the George Washington University
Assessment of the Enabling Environment for Road Safety Civil Society Organizations in Three Sub-Saharan African Countries
Paper number: 589
Mr. Deepanshu Gupta Indian Road Safety Campaign
Empowering cities to solve their own road-safety issues via youth-led, community-driven multi-sectoral action backed by data and technology under the mentorship of experts.
Paper number: 543
Dr. Sharad Chauhan Police Service
Punjab Road Safety Traffic Research Center
Paper number: 355
Ms Sarika Panda Raahgiri Foundation
Gurugram Vision Zero: A Leap Towards Safer Roads
Chair: Mr Dan Campsall, Agilysis, UK
Room: Sheesh Mahal
(R2) Road safety - Data 1
Paper number: 370
Dr. V A Bharat Kumar Anna Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi
An empirical analysis of driving patterns on horizontal curves using trajectory data
Paper number: 764
Dr. Ibrahim Alfaki United Arab Emirates University
Does road safety cointegrate with socioeconomic conditions in rich developing countries?
Paper number: 396
Mr. Parveen Kumar Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi
Determination of optimal segment length for road crash analysis using power spectral analysis
Paper number: 453
Mr. MEHRAAB NAZIRTransportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Safety in Patterns: Assessing the Fractal Dimension of a Road Network and its Impact on Road Safety
Paper number: 564
Mrs. Rashmeet Kaur Khanuja IIT Delhi
Safety-in-Numbers: A Cross-sectional Investigation of the Safety of Road Users in Delhi
Paper number: 433
Wanee MeekhoadIndia
Community Constitution: A Participatory Initiative in Enhancing Law Enforcement to ensure Safe Behaviors of Motorcycle Riders
Chair: Dr Ronan Lyons, University of Swansea, UK
Room: Jahanara
(I1) Injury - Data
Paper number: 698
Mr. Michael Fears Cima Canada Inc.
The Promise and Problems with the “New View” of Safety: A Consideration of the Potential Implementation of New Theoretical Insights, Limitations to Implementation, and Suggestions for Further Research
Paper number: 215
Xiaodong FengDepartment Of Information Science And Control Engineering, Nagaoka University Of Technology, Nagaoka 9
Ontology-based Network Graph Analysis for Japanese Consumer Product Narrative Injury Data
Paper number: 426
Dr. Stephen BridgmanPublic Health Scotland/nhs Highland/university Of Aberdeen
National injury surveillance system in Scotland
Paper number: 627
Associate Professor Sadiqa Kendi Boston Medical Center
Using the Novel Injury Equity Framework to Address Global Inequities in Injury Outcomes
Paper number: 758
Samira Al Kathiri1st Safety Center in Abu Dhabi
Paper number: 641
Prof. Hillel Bar-geraBen-gurion University Of The Negev
Dilemma Zone Analysis Using Trajectory Data Acquired by Video Analytics
Paper number: 593
Rahul RajakThe prevalence of non-fatal occupational injury and its associated risk factors among male workers in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Paper number: 526
Dr. Lisa SharwoodUNSW, Sydney, Australia
Establishing a National Injury Surveillance System to enable Actionable Research from Emergency Departments (NISAR-ED) in Australia
Paper number: 343
Dr. Greta MassettiCDC, USA
Development of a Data Dashboard for Near-Real Time Analysis of Provisional Injury Morbidity Data
Determinants that impact child & adolescent injury
Moderator: Prof Julie Mytton, UWE, UK
Room: Durbar Ballroom
15:30 - 15:45 |
Tea and coffee break + Poster viewing
Poster Session 2:
Room: Durbar Ballroom
Paper number: 326
Christian FaergemannAge-related trends in unintentional injuries among children and adolescents in an urban Danish population 1980-2021. A cohort study of 292,737 children and adolescents.
Paper number: 332
Michal GrivnaSchool bullying in Al Ain City: A cross-sectional study
Paper number: 527
Lise OlsenDevelopment of an online resource for caregivers of children with autism for safe sport and recreation participation using end-user input and behavior change theory.
Paper number: 565
Sarita KalundiaEnsuring safety and security of young children in creches
Paper number: 653
Dennis MazingiDeveloping a Core list of Action-Oriented Indicators for Child Unintentional Injury prevention
Paper number: 683
Nukhba ZiaCombinations of interventions for the prevention of unintentional injuries among children under age 20 years
Paper number: 146
Md Abul BorkatDigitizing Child Drowning Prevention: Feasibility of Digital Data Collection in Rural Bangladesh
Paper number: 175
Huyen Doan Thi ThuEffectiveness of survival swim intervention in reducing child drowning in Viet Nam
Paper number: 240
Carlene McAvoyScotland’s Cross-Party Group on Accident Prevention and Safety Awareness
Paper number: 393
Rebecca SindallRevisiting drowning prevention interventions for children in rural Bangladesh
Paper number: 186
Samid SiddiqiDisability due to injury among the adolescents in Bangladesh- a national survey findings
Paper number: 46
Paper number: 66
Monica (Minyan) CuiThe Influence of the Child Restraint Usage Related Policies Among Parents in Four Cities of China
Paper number: 82
Paper number: 224
Aarushi KaushikPrevalence and Patterns of Helmet and Child Restraint Use Among Children: A Population-Based Observation Study from An Indian Metropolitan City
Paper number: 229
Sana'a KhasawnehYouth-Driven Actions of Road Safety in the Sustainable Development Agenda
Paper number: 238
Carolina PiñerosPolicy advocacy: mandatory child restraint systems in Colombia
Paper number: 339
Fadia ShebboEvaluation of a Distribution, Education, and Awareness Intervention for Child Passenger Safety in a Low- and Middle-Income Country Setting: A Pre-post Study
Paper number: 193
Rajni GandhiEnsuring Safety of Students from Road Crashes Around Schools |
15:45-16:45 |
Parallel Session 3:
Chair: Prof Vinayak Dixit, UNSW, Australia
Room: Shahjehan Ballroom
(R3) Road safety - pedestrian & cycles
Paper number: 72
Prof. Finn Nilson Luleå University of Technology
Levelling-up walking as a mode of transport - a case for changing hierarchies
Paper number: 472
Ms. Neba C TonyIndian Institute Of Technology Delhi
Streets of Struggle: Understanding the safety perceptions of captive pedestrians
Paper number: 536
Mr. Priyanshu AmanIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
Estimation of pedestrian fatality rates along high-speed rural roads using high-resolution population density mapping in Haryana, India
Paper number: 449
Ms. Srishti Agrawal Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
Risk factors of fatal bicycle crashes in peri-urban areas: A case-control study in Delhi, India
Paper number: 521
Dr. Soufiane Boufous Transport and Road Safety Research (TARS), Faculty of Science University of New South Wales
Changing patterns of cycling fatalities in Australia between 1991 and 2022.
Paper number: 321
Dr. SaiBaba DarbamullaIndia
Influence of socio-economic factors on risk-taking behaviour of pedestrians on railway tracks in Mumbai
Chair: Prof Rahul Goel, IIT Delhi, India
Room: Jehangir
(R4) Road Safety General
Paper number: 515
Mr. Prasanna LamaNepal Injury Research Centre, Kathmandu Medical College
Understanding and managing injury risks associated with motorcycle taxi systems in lower- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.
Paper number: 483
Dr. Kulanthayan KC ManiUniversiti Putra Malaysia
Child Restraint Seat Law in Malaysia 2019: Post-Policy Commitment Begins
Paper number: 239
Dr. Angelica Lopez HernandezJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Improving road safety in Latin America: the case of Bogota, Sao Paulo, and Fortaleza
Paper number: 281
Dr. Helen Nguyen The George Institute For Global Health
“Behind the Wheel” 4 years later: effects of a randomised controlled trial on a safe transport education program on driving exposure in older drivers
Paper number: 508
Ms. Dominique Rose Nationwide Children's Hospital, Center for Injury Research and Policy
Experience Engaging in ProjectDRIVE: A Parent-centered Intervention to Improve Safe Driving Practices among Teens with a Traffic Violation
Paper number: 636
Mr. Muhammad Uba Abdulazeez United Arab Emirates University
Underage Driving in the United Arab Emirates: Crash, Injury, and Trauma Severity
Chair: Ms Carlene McAvoy, RoSPA, UK
Room: Roshanara
Practice Stream 2
Paper number: 430
Mr. Ants Lowe Drowning Prevention Auckland
Inland Water - Partnering with Councils to Assess Water Hazards
Paper number: 599
Ms. Vandana Shah Global Health Advocacy Incubator
Prioritizing country ownership and funding for Drowning Prevention
Paper number: 668
Mr. Roger SweeneyWater Safety Ireland
Aligning to the WHO Resolution "Accelerating action on global drowning prevention" – an Irish perspective
Paper number: 481
Dr. Jennifer PattersonVital Strategies
Amplifying Community Voices for the Sustainability of Childcare Centers for Drowning Prevention in Rural Bangladesh
Chair: Prof Richard Matzopoulos, SAMRC, South Africa
Room: Sheesh Mahal
(V3) Violence - child
Paper number: 13
Professor Mark BellisLiverpool John Moores University
Impact of Child Maltreatment and other Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on trust in health information and support services - the consequences for public health and health care interventions across the life course
Paper number: 25
Prof. Michal Grivna Institute Of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University
Child physical and emotional abuse and neglect: a school-based cross-sectional study in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Paper number: 124
Dr. Kat FordBangor University
A retrospective cross-sectional study to explore the intergenerational continuity of adverse childhood experiences within a UK prisoner population
Paper number: 170
Ms. Karen Sadler BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU), BC Children Hospital Research Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Impact of a universal infant abuse education programme in reducing physical abuse hospitalization rates among children in British Columbia, Canada
Paper number: 298
Professor Karen HughesPublic Health Wales
Developing a global social determinants framework for evidence based prevention of violence against children to support implementation of INSPIRE
Paper number: 412
Ms. Nadia ButlerLiverpool John Moores University
Global prevalence of child maltreatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Paper number: 655
Ms Barbara MinuzzoCenter for Safe Alaskans
"Evaluation of Communities That Care—Effects on Municipal Youth Crime Rates in Victoria, Australia: 2010–2019"
Paper number: 251
Dr. Mojgan KarbakhshBC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU), BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Urban-rural disparities in the rate of firearm injuries in British Columbia, Canada
Chair: Prof Courtney Ryder, Flinders University, Australia
Room: Jahanara
(B1) Burns General
Paper number: 399
Mr. Abdelmoutaleb NoumeurUniversiti Putra Malaysia
An Explanatory Study on Fire Incidents and the Relative Risk of Fire-Related Fatalities and Injuries in Malaysia
Paper number: 440
Dr. Vikash Ranjan Keshri State Health Resource Centre, Chhattisgarh, INDIA
From Intentions to Impact: Analysing the Agenda-Setting Process for India's National Burns Program
Paper number: 733
Ms. Caitlin M. OrtonUniversity of Washington Medicine Regional Burn Center
EQUIP-ing people who are living unhoused with fire, burn and cold injury prevention education
Paper number: 694
Ms. Dinasha Navindi Dahanayake Oakland University William Beaumont School Of Medicine
Opportunities to reduce liquid propane gas (LPG) cookstove-related burn injuries among slum households in Nepal: Results from a population-proportional, cluster- randomized household survey
Paper number: 167
Prof. Ian Pike BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit, Canada
FireSafe: Ignite Awareness, Extinguish Fires: a province-wide initiative to ensure working smoke alarms in every home in British Columbia, Canada
Paper number: 362
Dr Elise PresserYale University
Epidemiology of Burns in a Humanitarian Setting: A National Study Among Refugees in Lebanon
Disability & Rehabilitation of road traffic injuries
Moderator: Ms Charlotte Vuyiswa McClain-Nhlapo, World Bank, USA
Room: Durbar Ballroom
16:45 - 18:00 |
Plenary 2: Plenary & panel - Beyond Pink Helmets: Tackling Gender Bias in Injury and Violence Prevention
Room: Durbar Ballroom Plenary - 2
18:00 |
Welcome Reception: Hosted By - Bloomberg Philanthropies
8:00-9:15 |
Plenary 3: Plenary Session & panel - Upstream Solutions: addressing Social and Commercial Determinants of Injury and Violence prevention
Room: Durbar Ballroom Plenary - 3
9:15-10:30 |
Parallel Session 4:
Chair: Prof Jo Robinson, Orygen, Australia
Room: Shahjehan
(V4) Violence Prevention
Paper number: 35
Ms. Camerin Rencken University Of Washington
Bibliometric Analysis of the US Health Sciences Firearm Policy Literature
Paper number: 506
Dr. Reena SarkarMonash University
Data bias and gaps in the standardized measurement of family violence homicide and its injuries in Victoria
Paper number: 522
Professor Rebecca IversUnsw Sydney
Assessing violence and injury prevention plans, strategies and indicators in eighteen Pacific Islands countries: an environmental scan
Paper number: 553
Mrs. Zara QuiggLiverpool John Moores University
Global prevalence of the abuse of older people in community and institutional settings: a systematic review
Paper number: 769
Mr. Alok DixitChhanv Foundation
Empowering Acid Attack Survivors: A Decade of Comprehensive Community-Based Rehabilitation by Chhanv Foundation
Paper number: 605
Dr. Kathleen CarslonOregon Health And Science University
Use of International Classification of Diseases External Cause Codes to Identify and Categorize Intent of Firearm Injuries Treated in a National USA Healthcare System: Are They Valid?
Chair: Dr Amy Peden, UNSW, Australia
Room: Mumtaz
(D3) Drowning - Child
Paper number: 320
Ms. Mirza Shibat RowshanCentre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB)
Assessing child drowning risk in the rural context of Bangladesh: A Human-Centered Design approach
Paper number: 96
Dr. Hannah CalverleyLife Saving Victoria
The ripple effect of children’s negative prior aquatic experiences on their aquatic competency
Paper number: 591
Dr. Shen JiarongSouthern Medical University
Effect of integrated intervention to prevent child drowning in rural areas of Guangdong, China: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Paper number: 678
Dr. Joanne VincentenUnicef
Effectiveness of interventions to prevent drowning among children under age 20 years: A global scoping review.
Paper number: 390
Dr. Rebecca SindallRoyal National Lifeboat Institution (rnli)
Roads, schools, and electric power: development changes that have impacted drowning risks in rural Bangladesh since 2016
Chair: Dr Stuti Bhargava, Indian Council of Medical Research, India
Room: Jehangir 1
(T1) Trauma care - data
Paper number: 7
Dr. Jeetendra YadavICMR-National Institute of Medical Statistics
Measuring the prevalence, treatment seeking behaviours and cost of treatment of injury for the elderly in India: Insights from the National Aging Study
Paper number: 218
Ms. Rose Mabelle BuhainWHO Headquarters
The Pilot Implementation of the WHO Clinical Registry for Emergency Care
Paper number: 230
Ms. Rose Mabelle BuhainWHO Headquarters
Development of the WHO Dataset for Emergency Care (DSEC)
Paper number: 504
Miss Helen AdesobaSahlgrenska Academy, University Of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Designing the framework for a prototype Trauma Registry at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria
Prof Gordon Smith, West Virginia University, USA
Room: Roshanara
Poisoning & Bite related Injuries
Paper number: 159
Dr. Inoka WeerasingheMinistry Of Health
Paper number: 250
Ms. Fahra RajabaliBC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU), BC Children Hospital Research Institute
Estimating the Canadian Costs of Poisonings and the Cost Effectiveness of Poison Centres
Paper number: 268
Dr. Mojgan KarbakhshBC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU), BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Multiple deprivation and unintentional poisoning in British Columbia, Canada
Paper number: 295
Dr. Chowdhury FarheenCentre For Injury Prevention & Research, Bangladesh
A study on the epidemiological profile and treatment-seeking pattern of snakebite patients in two rural communities of Bangladesh: Findings from a community trial
Paper number: 313
Dr. Abdullah Abu SayeedChittagong Medical College, Chattogram
Snakebite Clinic at Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Chattogram, Bangladesh: establishment of a ‘Hub and Spoke Model’ of service delivery.
Paper number: 422
Dr. Stephen BridgmanPublic Health Scotland/nhs Highland/university Of Aberdeen
Hospital admission from dog related injury in Scotland, 1982 to 2022.
Paper number: 594
Dr. Chowdhury FarheenCentre For Injury Prevention & Research, Bangladesh
Effectiveness of Community-based Intervention on Snakebite Prevention and First Aid Measures in Rural Bangladesh
Paper number: 716
Dr. Rakesh GhimireMaharajgunj Medical Campus, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University
Phase out of highly hazardous pesticides reduces intentional pesticide poisoning: Experience from Nepal
Ms Kate Turner, FIA Foundation, UK
Room: Jahanara
Media & Injuries
Paper number: 350
Mr. Samuel CornellUniversity Of New South Wales
Codesigning and implementing a social media risk information campaign with land managers in Australia to reduce social media-driven injuries in the natural environment
Paper number: 14
Dr. Yingwei YangDuke University
Using photovoice to explore US students' perspectives on racial equity
Paper number: 59
Mrs. Deborah HiltonRG;; Roy Morgan Research;
A creative photographic initiative of an adventurous adolescent jumping into a rock pool where there may be potential hazards.
Paper number: 232
Dr. Puspa Raj PantUwe Bristol
Impact of Workshops for journalists on Road Safety Reporting in Nepal
Paper number: 258
Mr. Sanjeev NeupaneThe University Of West England
A critical review of newspaper articles reporting crashes of long-distance public buses in Nepal.
Paper number: 283
Professor Justine E. LeavyCurtin University
Are you on Instagram? A content analysis of alcohol advertising, young people, aquatic locations and activities.
Paper number: 434
Mrs Shuying ZhaoCentral South University
Characteristics of media-reported road traffic crashes related to new energy vehicles in China
Paper number: 684
Mr Bhanujeet ChoudharyXrsi - X Reality Safety Intelligence
Shaping Metaverse Policy: XRSI's Evidence-Informed Approach for Ensuring Safety in Virtual Worlds
STATE-OF-THE-ART Powered two-wheeler safety
Moderator: Ms Rebecca Stapleton, ADB, Philippines
Room: Durbar Ballroom
Shaping Safer Roads: a dialogue with the Transportation State Commissioners
Room: Jahangir 2
10:30-11:15 |
Tea and coffee break + Poster viewing
Room: Shahjehan
Paper number: 21
R KrishnanLearning from tragedy: Six firemen deaths arising from a drowning rescue operation
Paper number: 102
Bhagabati SedainExperiences of first Drowning Situation Assessment of three Municipalities in Southern Nepal
Paper number: 109
Pisit PongsirisupakulGallon-Buoy for Life-Saving
Paper number: 197
Notan DuttaIdentifying the strengths and challenges from the perspective of primary caregivers of drowning prevention interventions in Bangladesh
Paper number: 279
Zobaer AlamMedical-care seeking pattern of under-five non-fatal child drownings in rural Bangladesh
Paper number: 282
Justine E. LeavyMake the Right Call: An evaluation of a drowning prevention campaign for older adults.
Paper number: 285
Zobaer AlamA case series of 93 hospitalized under-five non-fatal drowning victims in rural Bangladesh
Paper number: 454
Navin AwasthiAnalysis of 4900+ incidents between 2008 and 2023 involving Drownings, Rescues and Injuries on the Beaches of Goa, India
Paper number: 467
Archana NairTo study the magnitude, risk factors, perception and practices in three districts of Bihar regarding drowning and it’s prevention : A pilot study
Paper number: 468
Archana NairTo study the magnitude, risk factors, perception and practices in a selected population of the coastal area of Chennai, regarding drowning and it’s prevention : A pilot study
Paper number: 500
Idrisse Nguekoue TchokonaThe positive impact of water safety education in the face of drowning in Cameroon.
Paper number: 524
Richard FranklinTaking a system approach to drowning prevention
Paper number: 598
Giang Bui Thi ThuSustainability and Equity in Drowning Prevention: Subsidizing Survival Swimming in Vietnam
Paper number: 632
Pradipta GhosalRequired Preparedness due to Rapid Shift in Drowning circumstances primarily due to changing Social, Climatic and Global Warming - Demands shifting Drowning Prevention as a National Govt. issue rather than a State subject to bring down the current Drowning of 37,793 yearly i.e. 104 people per day.
Paper number: 206
MdGolam MorshedCaregivers’ workshop- voice of rural mothers to identify drowning risks and prevention intervention in Bangladesh
Paper number: 358
Justine E. LeavyA Water Safety Implementation Framework for High Income Countries (HICs): Developing and refining a Framework using Implementation Science.
Paper number: 12
Md. Tariqul ChowdhuryIntegrated Community Based Center for Child Care, Protection and Swim-Safe Facilities Project
Road safety
Room: Durbar Ballroom
Paper number: 62
Greg SmithRoad Safety Insights Explorer: Shining a light on the true scale of road trauma and the positive impact of investment
Paper number: 89
Paolo PeregoMotorcycle rider behavior in Tanzania, identifying risk factors using an online survey
Paper number: 101
Bhagabati SedainImpact of road traffic crashes on victims and families: A qualitative study
Paper number: 111
YE JinA scoping review of national policies for child road injury in mainland China
Paper number: 127
Arturo Valdes MendezDrinking driving in Mexico City: prevalence and legislative challenges
Paper number: 160
Michelle GaiborA Triumph and a Miracle: Developing and applying sub national public policy for road safety in Ecuador
Paper number: 178
Md Zabir HasanAdvancing Evidence-Based Road Safety Advocacy: Strategic Communication Skills Development via Cross-Country Workshops Model
Paper number: 202
Preeti GautamHandover of road traffic injured patients in emergency departments in Nepal
Paper number: 211
Mallikarjun PatilA Comprehensive Analysis of Forensic Crash Investigation Data and Speed Profile Data to Exhibit Correlation between Fatalities and Speeding amongst Heterogeneous Road Users across Various Types of Roads
Paper number: 219
Prerana Arora SinghEmpowering Minds, Ensuring Roads: A Systematic Approach to Safety in Community Empowerment and Sensitization
Paper number: 223
Aneta WnukThe problem of drivers who suffer from depression as an unknown number of road traffic participants in Poland
Paper number: 234
Puspa Raj PantEmpowering Communities for Road Safety in Nepal: An Approach to community engagement and Advocacy.
Paper number: 245
S M SOHEL MahmudRoad Safety Silhouettes of a Developing Country Bangladesh from South Asia: Past, Present, and the Future
Paper number: 248
S M Mahmud MahmudPerformance Evaluation of Physical Speed Management Devices on Local Rural Roads in Bangladesh
Paper number: 249
Paper number: 276
Mirjam Sidik"VIA Global Road Safety Education Programme: Innovating education for next-generation road safety change-makers in Thailand"
Paper number: 296
Santosh BhattaInjury risks for different road users in Nepal – An analysis of routinely collected crash data.
Paper number: 302
Chandrika Prasad VermaAssessing the Quality of Life and Household Socioeconomic Status of Road Traffic Injury Survivors: A Qualitative Study in the National Capital Territory of Delhi
Paper number: 304
Marcela KanitzEnhancing Safe Mobility for Children and Adolescents in Vulnerable Communities: A Policy Brief on Road Safety Initiatives in Brazil
Paper number: 306
Marwa Chacha MagotiA Study on Tanzanian Truck Drivers' Attitudes Towards Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Intelligent Transport Systems for Road Safety
Paper number: 317
Susan TumuhairweCollaboration and Community empowerment: Navigating Injury Prevention Among Motorcycle Riders and Passengers.
Paper number: 318
Joana Amaral FontouraEnhancing road safety in school’s zones in Paraguay
Paper number: 336
Lamisa AshrafA multi-city study of helmet use in Africa
Paper number: 346
Shirin WadhwaniyaSpeeding in Chattogram, Bangladesh: Prevalence and challenges
Paper number: 349
Michael FearsImprove Safety by (sort of) Eliminating Safety Rewards
Paper number: 369
Paper number: 405
Simon NtramahSpeeding Characteristics and Predicting Factors in the City of Kumasi, Ghana
Paper number: 415
Hemant TiwariReview of Nepal’s National Road Safety Action Plan 2013-2020
Paper number: 418
Marsha KhanAnalysing the patterns of coverage of road crashes in Indian print media
Paper number: 423
Ayomide AkinpeluIn-depth Vehicle Crash Investigation in LMICs: A case study of Nigeria
Paper number: 424
Ayomide AkinpeluIn-depth Vehicle Crash Investigation in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Case Study of Nigeria
Paper number: 436
Prabhjeet SinghThe determinants of non-standard motorcycle helmet use: A multi-country ecological study
Paper number: 451
Srishti AgrawalRisk factors for the safety of cyclists: A systematic review and risk-of-bias assessment of case-control studies
Paper number: 452
Sandeep GaikwadEfficacy of visible, on-ground and consistent enforcement for helmet wearing in Pune city, Maharashtra.
Paper number: 459
Paper number: 525
Abu TalabRoad traffic injuries in Bangladesh: an explorative study from a national survey
Paper number: 556
Dagmara Jankowska-KarpaNew and innovative road safety education solutions addressed to teachers, students and school communities
Paper number: 558
Bikash MohapatraEmpowering First Responders for Road Safety: Good Samaritan and Emergency First Response Training in Odisha, India
Paper number: 561
Sharmeen RahmanAdvocacy for Comprehensive Road Safety Law in Bangladesh
Paper number: 568
Syed HuzairAddressing Underreporting Bias in Road Traffic Crash Data: A Review of Methodological Approaches
Paper number: 571
Hemant TiwariImprovement on Road Safety through capacity building on safer road infrastructure: A Local Action Project on Safer Roads in Surkhet, Nepal
Paper number: 583
Dagmara Jankowska-KarpaSystem solutions to improve vulnerable road users’ – pedestrians’ safety in Poland
Paper number: 618
Rinki SharmaRevitalizing Road Safety: Reducing Speed Limits to Save Precious Lives
Paper number: 657
Sushma AdappaCorrelation of fatal and non-fatal injuries associated with road traffic crashes and economic condition in India
Paper number: 680
Laxman BishtIs Road Safety a Matter of Political Urgency in India?
Paper number: 689
Bhaskar MishraInternet Memes for a Safer Road: Evaluating the Impact of Uttarakhand Police's Facebook Posts on Road Safety Awareness"
Paper number: 700
Samrat DevOccupational Health, Work Pattern and Psychological factors association with Accidents occurrence among the Non-Government City Bus Drivers of Kolkata
Paper number: 711
Radmila MagusicMultivariate analysis of road crashes involving moto riders at Vienna’s roads
Paper number: 725
Kento YohAnalysis of Consciousness Transformation through a Mobility Co-creation Program with High School Students Utilizing E-Bikes in Hilly and Mountainous Area
Paper number: 730
Amar NathNeed for a National Policy on Child Road Safety to Prevent Road Crash Deaths and Injuries Among Children in India
Paper number: 741
Amar NathThe Pilot Programme for Strengthening Road Safety for Children and Adolescents in Pune District through the Safe Systems Approach and Multistakeholder Engagement, and demonstration for Adoption by the Government of Maharashtra
Paper number: 746
Ayikai PoswayoSafe Schools Africa - calling for a doubling of financing to design safer roads in Africa
Paper number: 759
Paper number: 354
Rania AbdelhamidLiterature review on best practices for improving road traffic deaths reporting in low- and middle-income countries.
Paper number: 413
Rania AbdelhamidRoad safety country sheets: a monitoring mechanism at country-level for Eastern Mediterranean countries
Paper number: 619
Laxman Singh BishtA guide to developing a training course for road safety professionals
Paper number: 695
Robin LeeDifferences in increases in motor vehicle crash and older adult fall deaths by race and ethnicity in the United States from 2018–2022
Paper number: 264
Paper number: 155
Abdulgafoor M. BachaniGlobal Road Safety Leadership Course: Impact of Capacity Building on the Global Road Safety Agenda
Paper number: 442
Paweena YamaiwongDriving road safety work with community participation. Case study : Ban Nam Lom Community, Nai Wiang Subdistrict, Mueang Nan District, Nan Province, Thailand |
11:15-12:45 |
Parallel Session 5:
Chair: Dr Jessica Truong, Lösningar, Sweden/Australia
Room: Shahjehan
(R5) Road Safety - Methods 1
Paper number: 192
Prof. Michal Grivna Institute Of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University
Seatbelt use among pregnant women in the United Arab Emirates: a gravida-based stratified analysis
Paper number: 77
Mr Jason FinchTransaid
A collaborative approach to addressing motorcycle safety in East Africa
Paper number: 191
Mr. Prasanna Lama Nepal Injury Research Centre, Kathmandu Medical College
Evidence to inform the regulation and policy development of motorcycle taxi services in Nepal: a secondary data analysis.
Paper number: 499
Professor Jennie Oxley Monash University Accident Research Centre
e-Scooters: Fast and fun, but a risky form of transport?
Paper number: 502
Professor Jennie OxleyMonash University Accident Research Centre
Understanding experience and safety-related behaviours of off-road motorcycle riders
Paper number: 743
Mr. Ivan De La Lanza Global Designing Cities Initiative
Projects to Programs and Policies - Safer Streets for All
Paper number: 740
Dr. Rahul Goel Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Centering Electric Bicycles in Transport Electrification: Road safety as key to low-carbon, low-powered, and healthy transport in India
Paper number: 747
Dr Innocent Nzeyimana Healthy People Rwanda
A heterogeneous landscape of helmet use behaviors and differential quality of helmets used by moto-taxi drivers and their clients in Rwanda: Results from a non-participant observation study.
Paper number: 756
Dr. Tanapon Lilasathanpornkit Footpath AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Safer and Healthier Urban Pedestrian Environments
Chair: Prof Denise Kendrick, University of Nottingham, UK
Room: Mumtaz
(C2) Child Methods & General
Paper number: 125
Dr. Sarit Shimony Kanat Ono Academic College, Israel
Guardians of Early Years – Bridging Policy and Practice for Toddler Safety through Nursing Expertise
Paper number: 650
Dr. Morag MacKaySafe Kids Worldwide
Developing a National Risk Index for Unintentional Child Injury
Paper number: 686
Dr. Mythry Ravichandran Aiims Bhubaneswar
Understanding Prevalence and Patterns of Childhood Injuries in Rural Odisha through environmental hazard assessment –Results from a Community-based cross-sectional study
Paper number: 766
Mr. Naoki Nozaki Tokyo Institute of Technology
A Simulation System for Predicting How Young Children End Up in Fall Accidents in Daily Environments
Paper number: 225
Ms. Yuko UchiyamaToyo University
Trends in Child Injuries in Japanese Schools and the Role of School Health Nurses
Paper number: 534
Mr. Boonruang Khaonuan Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
The model of community self-managed for the prototype safety children's centers development in Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand
Paper number: 757
Dr. Naina Kapoor Delhi Public School
Understanding and Addressing At-Risk Behaviors in Indian Adolescents using Grounded Theory
Paper number: 749
Mr Nikil AbrahamHugvita
Understanding the barriers to enhancing Child Occupant Safety in Low and Middle Income Countries
Chair: Prof Maria Isabel Gutierrez Martinez, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Room: Jehangir
(V5) Suicide - General
Paper number: 209
Dr. Pooja Saini Liverpool John Moores University
Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS): Global research programme
Paper number:
Professor Jo RobinsonHead of Suicide Research at Orygen, University of Melbourne
Paper number:
Dr. Emma AshworthSenior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University
Paper number: 173
Dr. Nichole MichaelsNationwide Children's Hospital/Ohio State University
Deaths by Suicide among Individuals with a History of Sex Work or Human Trafficking in the US
Paper number: 329
Ms. Megan OakeyInjury Prevention and Safety Promotion, BCCDC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Identifying priority areas for public health Action to reduce youth suicide and self-harm in British Columbia, Canada
Paper number: 634
Dr. Ted R MillerPacific Institute for Research & Evaluation + Curtin University School of Public Health
Targeting Suicide Prevention: Share of Adult Suicides Preceded by Recent Jail Release, USA, 2019
Paper number: 210
Dr. Pooja SainiLiverpool John Moores University
The provision of mental health care for people with complex needs who are at risk of suicide
Room: Roshanara
Chair: Prof Sanjeev Bhoi, AIIMS, India
Room: Sheesh Mahal
(T2) Trauma care - prehospital 1
Paper number: 242
Dr. Gaurav M Urs Association For Socially Applicable Research
Emergency Care In India: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis Of National Data (2019-2020)
Paper number: 575
Ms. Neha Neha Who Collaborating Centre For Emergency And Trauma Care, Jpnatc Aiims, New Delhi
Developing and testing comprehensive community model to strengthen Post-Crash Response in Rural Tribal Settings
Paper number: 579
Ms. Roopa Rawat WHO Collaborating Centre For Emergency & Trauma Care
Youth Led emergency care response at community level-an Implementation Project
Paper number: 597
Dr. Karthikeyan AAiims New Delhi
To identify the bottlenecks in prehospital care through unstructured interviews with Government-run ambulance services in New Delhi.
Paper number: 604
Dr. Karthikeyan AAiims New Delhi
To improve the pre-hospital health care bundle compliance, provided to critically ill patients presenting to the AIIMS Emergency Department through government-run ambulance services
Paper number: 629
Dr. Richa AhujaCoE-SEA,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Operational assessment of government ambulance and police based prehospital response for of road traffic crashes in Delhi
Paper number: 620
Dr. Veena SriramUniversity Of British Columbia
Political economy analysis of pre-hospital emergency medical services in India: analyzing public-private partnerships in four Indian states
Paper number: 767
Dr. Rita SavlaRadhee Disaster and Education Foundation
Post Road Accident Trauma Management Scenario in India – Gap, Challenges and Solution.
Chair: Dr Nino Paichadze, George Washington University, USA
Room: Jahanara
(I2) Injury - Epidemiology
Paper number: 356
Ms. Najuwa Arendse Unisa Institute For Social And Health Sciences; South African Medical Research Council-unisa Mahru
Intersecting systemic and forensic pathology service operational and human resource barriers to the implementation of an Injury Surveillance System: A South African perspective
Paper number: 179
Dr. Samid SiddiqiCentre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh (ciprb)
Epidemiology of fatal injury among the older age population in Bangladesh
Paper number: 361
Dr. Elise PresserYale University
Characteristics of Injuries Among Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
Paper number: 760
Samira Al KathiriDescribe Abu Dhabi Injury Prevention Holistic Program
Paper number: 734
Dr. Helen Harcombe University Of Otago
Preventing subsequent injuries: A feasibility study
Paper number: 106
Dr. Amy Peden School Of Population Health, UNSW Sydney
Findings from a co-design process to gamify farm injury prevention for adolescents
Paper number: 528
Professor Richard FranklinJCU
Agricultural Safety around mobile machinery
Paper number: 752
Jintana Khamphakdi The Office Of Disease Prevention And Control Region 10th Ubon Ratchathani,thailand
Caring Patients and Reducing Losses during Flooding through an Integrated Medical Management System
Paper number: 547
Ardash KumarAgricultural Injuries in India: Magnitude and causal factors
Chair: Prof Kavi Bhalla, University of Chicago, USA
Room: Durbar Ballroom
(R6) Road safety - Data 2
Paper number: 260
Dr. Ismael Ibarra-Nava Vital Strategies
Development of a Road Safety Dashboard in Mexico City: Enhancing Data Availability, Access, and Utilization
Paper number: 389
Dr. Raphael Awuah Vital Strategies
Re-estimating Road Traffic Fatalities in Kumasi, Ghana Using the Capture-Recapture Approach
Paper number: 439
Ms. Asha S Viswanathan Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre, Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi
Estimating levels of underreporting for road traffic crashes in Delhi using data on emergency calls to police
Paper number: 511
Ms. Estiara EllizarMinistry of Transportation
Enhancing road traffic injury surveillance in Bandung, Indonesia through linkage of hospital and police data
Paper number: 176
Associate Professor Rebecca McLeanUniversity Of Otago
Role of exposure in quantifying transport injury and fatality risk by mode of transport: A systematic review
Paper number: 576
Professor Girish Agrawal Trip Centre, Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi
Exposure of Pedestrians, Bicyclists, Two-Wheelers, and Three-Wheelers to Contaminated Air in Small Indian Cities: A Major Health and Safety Hazard
Paper number: 582
Dr. Hayat Ahmed Ministry of Health UAE
United Arab Emirates (UAE)success towards achieving the target of 50% reduction of road traffic fatalities
Paper number: 623
Mr. Purvang ChaudhariIndiana Institute Of Technology Bombay
User Perception on the Desktop-Based Driving Simulator Developed for Indian Scenarios for Driver Education and Skill Assessment |
12:45-14:00 |
Lunch + spotlight sessions + business meetings + poster viewing
13:00-14:00 |
Road safety financing Moderator: Mr Avi Silverman, FIA Foundation, UK Room: Shahjehan SPOTLIGHT SESSION
Injury prevention in South East Asia Moderator: Ms Vandana Shah, Global Health Advocacy Incubator, USA Room: Mumtaz SPOTLIGHT SESSION
Drowning: Resources, partnerships and initiatives for preventing a leading killer Moderator: Dr Caroline Lukaszyk, WHO, Switzerland Room: Roshanara
Announcing the winners of the 9th International Safety Media Awards Moderator: Marcia Howell Room: Durbar Ballroom POSTER VIEWING 5: Violence & trauma care POSTER PRESENTATIONS: DAY 2 (13:00-14:00)
Paper number: 136
Jing ZhangFactors influencing implementation of integrated post-surgery care for older patients with hip fracture in China: A Qualitative Study
Paper number: 205
Priyanthi ArichandranDeveloping digital surveillance format for Injuries in ER – Initiating development of Neurotrauma Registry at a Quaternary care hospital in India
Paper number: 290
Johan StrandrothVision Zero Planning - A back-casting approach to achieve global road safety targets and zero road trauma
Paper number: 441
Sushmita ChauhanImplementing triage system to integrate the Emergency & trauma care to strengthen post-crash response at Health & wellness centre
Paper number: 457
Manisha PriyadarshineePrevention of injury in a hospital environment
Paper number: 462
Methas ArunnartImproving Trauma Fast Track for Faster Care and Lower Mortality
Paper number: 143
Notan DuttaViolence against healthcare provider and facility damage during COVID-19 in Bangladesh
Paper number: 169
Karen SadlerDevelopment of infant abuse prevention eLearning modules to educate and support parents and caregivers in Canada
Paper number: 185
Mohammad Jahangir HossainSuicide among adolescents- an emerging public health issue in Bangladesh
Paper number: 201
Abu Sayeed AbdullahDomestic Violence against women in hard to reach districts: A Cross-Sectional Study
Paper number: 233
Shihning ChouThe Occurrence of Violence and Abuse towards Staff by Patients and the Public in General Practice since COVID-19 in England
Paper number: 352
Sergio NhassengoTrends and demographic differences in interpersonal violence to children in sub-Saharan Africa: findings from the 1990-2019 Global Burden of Disease Study
Paper number: 353
Sergio NhassengoCommunity readiness to prevent child maltreatment in Mozambique: an investigation among national and local key informants
Paper number: 496
Violence in the Emergency Department: A quantitative survey study of healthcare providers in India
Paper number: 644
Nishit PatelCaregivers perspectives on the challenges associated with adolescent violence and self-harm injuries in India and Vietnam.
Paper number: 693
Lucia Maria LotreanViolent behavior and its relationship with other health risk behaviors among Romanian adolescents in the digital era
Paper number: 262
Reshma R. MahendraCommunity Violence Prevention Resource for Action: A Compilation of the Best Available Evidence for Youth and Young Adults
Paper number: 325
Christian FaergemannThe completeness of routine registration of information about the counterpart revealed by victims of interpersonal violence admitted to an urban emergency department
Paper number: 329
Ms Megan OskeyIdentifying priority areas for public health Action to reduce youth suicide and self-harm in British Columbia, Canada |
14:00-15:15 |
Parallel Session 6:
Chair: Dr Deepty Jain, IIT Delhi, India
Room: Shahjehan
(R7) Road safety - Infrastructure
Paper number: 18
Dr. Chris Bic Byaruhanga Kyambogo University
A comparison of road safety infrastructure countermeasures in developed and developing countries.
Paper number: 103
Ms. Shanna Lucchesi iRAP
PHOEBE: A predictive road safety approach for emerging urban challenges
Paper number: 208
Dr. Chika Sakashita Global Alliance Of Ngos For Road Safety
Mobility Snapshots: the reality on our streets
Paper number: 212
Dr Roshan JoseSavelife Foundation
A Critical Evaluation of Repetitive Road Engineering Safety Factors as Hazards to Road Users: Insights from the Road Crash Vulnerability Audits Across National Highways
Paper number: 450
Mr MEHRAAB NAZIR Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Investigating the Impact of Road Network Structure on Crashes: A Macro-Level Analysis
Paper number: 545
Mr. Yawar Ali Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi
Assessing Effects of Fixed and Dynamic Bounding Box on Proactive Road Safety Evaluation
Paper number: 637
Dr. Swati Maitra Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Identification of Safety Deficiencies and Reasons for Non-Compliance of Safety Protocols at Road Construction Sites in India
Paper number: 573
Dr. Jayalath Edirisinghe University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
The Impact of Environmental Factors on Traffic Accidents on the Southern Expressway of Sri Lanka
Chair: Mr Roger Sweeney, Water Safety Ireland, Ireland
Room: Mumtaz
(D4) Drowning Policy
Paper number: 76
Dr. Minh NguyenDevelopment And Policies Research Center
Subsidy Policy for Survival Swim Program for the Children from Poor Households in Viet Nam
Paper number: 151
Ms. Carlene McAvoyThe Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Water Safety Scotland - Scotland’s Water Safety Programme
Paper number: 667
Dr. Colleen Saunders University Of Cape Town
Responding to the United Nations resolution on global drowning prevention: A prospective stakeholder analysis in South Africa
Paper number: 395
Mr. Tom Mecrow Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Global guidance for drowning prevention: barriers to implementation in low-resource settings
Paper number: 480
Dr Jennifer PattersonVital Strategies
Creating the next generation of Drowning Prevention Leaders
Chair: Dr Abdul Bachani, JHU, USA
Room: Jehangir
(T3) Disability & rehabilitation
Paper number: 493
Dr Nino PaichadzeMilken Institute School of Public Health, the George Washington University
Disability Following Road Traffic Injury: Findings at Six Months After Hospital Discharge
Paper number: 95
Mr. Samuel OlawuwoLobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod
Analysis of Built Environment Accessibility and Safety Measures for Students with Visual Impairments at Higher Education Institutions: Seven Nations Data
Paper number: 490
Mrs. Zehra Zaidi Johns Hopkins University
RehabConnect - A Service Delivery Technological Innovation to Integrate Rehabilitation Care at the Primary Care Level: Early Implementation Lessons from Northern and Eastern Uganda
Paper number: 523
Mr. Abu TalabCentre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh
The prevalence of injury related disabilities in Bangladesh: result from nationwide population-based survey
Paper number: 54
Professor Denise KendrickUniversity Of Nottingham
Rebuilding lives: Acceptability of a return-to-work intervention following traumatic injury
Chair: Dr Cristina Inclan, GRSP, Mexico/Switzerland
Room: Roshanara
(R8) Road safety - Country case studies
Paper number: 488
Dr. Elizabeth E. O'Neal University Of Iowa
How do Augmented Reality Displays Influence Pedestrian Road-Crossing Decisions in Complex Traffic Environments?
Paper number: 130
Dr. Rabindra BaskotaMinistry Of Health And Population, Nepal
Bridging the gap: A review of road safety policies in Nepal
Paper number: 293
Ms. Karuna RainaSavelife Foundation
Assessing the On-Ground Impact of Policy Frameworks on Road Safety and Injury Care in India: A Case Study of the Good Samaritan Judgment & Statutory Provision
Paper number: 569
Mr. Manoj Kumar Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Strategic Enforcement of Traffic Laws: A Comparative Analysis Across Different Countries.
Paper number: 679
Prof. Geetam Tiwari Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Road Safety Policy Lessons Learned from the Large-Scale Blackspots Audit and Organizational Assessment of a State in India
Paper number: 717
Mr. Daniel Gyaase The George Institute for Global Health, University of New South Wales
An evaluation of motorcycle helmet quality in Ghana: a case study from the Tamale Metropolitan area
Paper number: 750
Mr. Parth ParikhIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
Innovative methodology for evaluating road safety on National Highways in India: A case study of Haryana
Paper number: 254
Mr. Miguel Enrico PaalahVital Strategies
Improving road traffic injury surveillance in Chattogram, Bangladesh
Room: Sheesh Mahal
Chair: Prof Rebecca McLean, University of Otago, New Zealand
Room: Jahanara
(I3) Head Injuries
Paper number: 84
Dr. Shelina BabulUniversity Of British Columbia
Updating the Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT): Translating the expanding concussion evidence into accessible resources
Paper number: 134
Professor Julie Mytton University Of The West Of England, Bristol
Prevention of abusive head trauma in infants: A systematic review of educational and behavioural interventions
Paper number: 135
Professor Julie Mytton University Of The West Of England, Bristol
Risk factors for adverse long-term outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury in children: a scoping review
Paper number: 503
Dr. Herman LuleUniversity Of Turku and Turku University Hospital
Trainee-led rural trauma teams impact process and clinical outcomes of neurological injuries: New insights from the MOTOR trial
Paper number: 505
Dr. Nino Paichadze Milken Institute School Of Public Health, The George Washington University
Development of a traumatic brain injury registry in Zambia
Violence or suicide prevention
Moderator: Dr Mathew Varghese, St Stephen's Hospital, Delhi, India
Room: Durbar Ballroom
15:15-15:45 |
Tea and coffee break + Group Photo at Black Staircase
15:45-17:00 |
Plenary 4: The Great Debate: Experts and Youth on the Future of Policymaking in Injury Prevention
Chair: TBC Room: Durbar Ballroom Plenary - 4
17:00-18:00 |
Parallel Session 7:
Chair: Dr Alex Quistbert, Drexel University, USA
Room: Shahjehan
(R9) Road safety - Bicycle
Paper number: 22
Dr. R KrishnanAimst University
Individual negligence versus societal/environmental influences in road safety: issues from a crash causing death of eight cyclists in Malaysia
Paper number: 24
Mrs. Deborah Hilton RG;; Roy Morgan Research;
Re-enforcing cyclist speed restrictions on shared pedestrian pathways utilizing a new creative street photographic initiative.
Paper number: 104
Ms. Shanna LucchesiiRAP
Demystifying Safe Infrastructure for Cyclists: Low-risk examples from 5 cities.
Paper number: 203
Ms. Monica Olyslagers International Road Assessment Programme
Hitting the Target: What 75% travel means for cyclists and women
Paper number: 330
Dr. Linda RothmanToronto Metropolitan University
Pedaling Forward: The Evolution of Bicycling Infrastructure in 3 Canadian Cities from 2010 to 2022
Paper number: 331
Mr. Brice BatomenUniversity of Toronto
Evaluating the Impact of Bicycling Infrastructure on Bicyclist-Motor Vehicle Collisions in Toronto, Canada
Ending violence against children: how to make the most of the INSPIRE technical package Moderator: Dr Sabine Rakotomalala, WHO, Switzerland Room: Mumtaz BUSINESS MEETING
19:30 |
The Big Fat Indian Wedding-Themed Conference Dinner!
8:00-9:15 |
Parallel Session 8:
Falls prevention through the lifecourse Moderator: Prof Gautham Sukumar, NIMHANS, India Room: Shahjehan
Chair: Dr Frederick Oporia, Makerere University, Uganda
Room: Mumtaz
(D5) Drowning Prevention
Paper number: 114
Dr. Amy PedenSchool Of Population Health,
UNSW Sydney
Mapping cross-over between the drowning prevention and disaster risk reduction fields
Paper number: 177
MPH. Huyen Doan Thi ThuGlobal Health Advocacy Incubator
Drowning Prevention Program in accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals implementation in Viet Nam
Paper number: 476
Ms. Lexi BullickGlobal Health Advocacy
Drowning Prevention Program in Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals Implementation in Viet Nam
Paper number: 648
Ms Amy KeeganRnli
Generating political momentum for drowning prevention – securing a World Health Assembly Resolution to accelerate action
Paper number: 184
Dr Hannah CalverleyLife Saving Victoria
A three-phase approach to implementation of coastal public rescue equipment in southeast Victoria, Australia
Paper number: 737
Associate Professor Lyndal BugejaMonash University - Department of Forensic Medicine
Organisational responses and implementation of coroners’ recommendations among cases of drowning in Victoria Australia
Paper number: 669
Mr. Roger SweeneyWater Safety Ireland
New high-tech ringbuoy sensors that curb theft and vandalism of rescue equipment in Ireland.
Paper number: 351
Dr. Tessa Clemens
Increasing drowning death rates, exposure to recreational water bodies, and self-reported swimming skills in the United States
Chair: Mr Dipan Bose, World Bank, USA
Room: Jehangir
(R11) Road safety - Economics
Paper number: 17
Dr. Chris Bic Byaruhanga Kyambogo University
A budget optimisation model for road safety infrastructure countermeasures
Paper number: 105
Dr. Carolina Perez FerrerNational Institute Of Public
Health, Mexico
Public health and economic impact of improving vehicle safety standards in Mexico
Paper number: 174
Ms. Fahra RajabaliBC Injury Research and
Prevention Unit (BCIRPU), BC Children Hospital
Research Institute
Estimating the Canadian Health Care Costs of Transport Injuries
Paper number: 244
Mr Diego Alfonso Vargas CastilloVital Strategies
Exploring Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Fatalities and Injuries in Road Crashes among Bogota Residents
Paper number: 310
Dr Salim ChowdhuryCentre for Injury Prevention
and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB)
Estimating health burden of road traffic injuries in Bangladesh: an insight for policy implication
Paper number: 406
Dr Maria PapadakakiHellenic Mediterranean
Individuals admitted to a Greek general hospital due to sustaining an injury in road traffic incidents: Injury profile, incident characteristics and cost of treatment.
Paper number: 498
Partnerships Specialist Giovanni PintorUnited Nations Road Safety Fund
"The Case for a Levy on Used Vehicle Export: A Feasibility Study applied to the Case of Italy"
Paper number: 616
Mr. Prajwal GudadoorTRIPC, Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi
Robot deliveries and integration with public transit
Paper number: 732
Ms. Avi Silverman Fia Foundation
Strengthening catalytic financing for action on road traffic injury – priorities to 2030
Chair: Dr Veena Sriram, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, Canada
Room: Roshanara
(M3) Injuries among Indigenous Populations
Paper number: 131
Associate Professor Courtney Ryder Flinders University
Characterising the journey for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients after a road traffic injury in Australia
Paper number: 333
Professor Rebecca IversUnsw Sydney
Evaluation of an Aboriginal community-based program for fall prevention: The Ironbark Study.
Paper number: 428
Mr Ants LoweDrowning Prevention Auckland
RUKU: Tauihu - Safer Kaimoana Gathering to Prevent Drowning
Paper number: 165
Dr. Ian PikeUniversity Of British Columbia
Creating a community fire safety and prevention toolkit with the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council, Canada.
Paper number: 771
Dr. Bobby PorykaliThe George Institute For Global Helath
The process of embedding Indigenous knowledge systems in Water Safety Strategies - A partnership between Guunu-Maana (Heal) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program and Royal Life Saving Society – Australia
Chair: Prof Julie Brown, The George
Institute, Australia
Room: Sheesh Mahal
(R12) Road safety - Child & adolescent
Paper number: 138
Mrs. Stacie Powell The George Institute For Global Health
Evaluation of the 5-step test for assisting parents in transition out of booster seats
Paper number: 158
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Khushbu BalsaraJohns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
A Comparative Analysis of Global Child Restraint Use in Nine Cities
Paper number: 172
Dr. Lamisa AshrafJohns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Assessment of the accessibility, affordability, and quality of child restraint systems sold in the Philippines
Paper number: 253
Md, Mph Paula CaporalJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Prevalence of Child Passenger Restraint Use in Latin America from 2020 to 2022: A Multi-Round Observational Study
Paper number: 259
Dr. Chen-chun Ellie ShuGeorge Institute For Global Health
Child Restraint Legislation and Injury Rates in Children Aged 0-14
Paper number: 270
Dr. Cuong Pham VCenter For Injury Policy And Prevention Research/Hanoi University of Public Health
Building Evidence to Promote Child Safety in Cars in Viet Nam
Paper number: 323
Mr. Bonny Enock BalugabaDepartment of Disease Control & Environmental Health. Makerere University School of Public Health.
Seatbelt and Child restraint use among vehicle occupants in Kampala, Uganda
Paper number: 639
Mr. Muhammad Uba AbdulazeezUnited Arab Emirates University
Towards Achieving Best Practice Requirements for Protecting Child Occupants in the United Arab Emirates
Paper number: 651
Dr. Morag MacKaySafe Kids Worldwide
2021 Safe Kids Worldwide Child Passenger Safety Technician Workforce Analysis
Chair: Dr Sara Whitehead, Vital
Strategies, USA
Room: Jahanara
(R13) Road Safety - Methods 2
Paper number: 713
Ms. Pratishtha Singh The George Institute For Global Health
On the Move: A PhotoVoice Study on Student Commute Challenges in Delhi, India
Paper number: 592
Mrs. Jackie OkaoGlobal Health Advocacy Incubator
Collaborative efforts to prevent injuries and fatalities on the road in Uganda.
Paper number: 129
Mr. Saroar ZubairThe Hospital for Sick Children (SickKIds)
Effectiveness of Automated Speed Enforcement in Reducing Vehicle Speeds within School Community Safety Zones in Toronto, Canada
Paper number: 267
Dr Williams AckaahCsir - Building And Road Research Institute
Validation of Loop Detectors for Speed Data Collection Under the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety in Accra, Ghana
Paper number: 645
Dr. Nishit PatelJohns Hopkins University
Assessing speeding compliance among drivers of different types of motor vehicles in Delhi: Important database for optimizing road safety.
Paper number: 748
Dr. Swati MaitraIndian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur
Mitigating Potential Conflicts for Vulnerable Road Users in Market Area along highways: A Holistic Investigation in Indian Context
Paper number: 744
Dr. Sonali RandhawaHealth Systems Transformation Platform
Addressing Rehabilitation needs of Road Crash Survivors through Home Healthcare
Paper number: 429
Mr. Kerkritt SriroongvikraiFaculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
The role of local agencies in preventing and correcting road safety issues: A case study of The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)
Paper number: 728
Dr. Henok Girma AbebeKth Royal Institute Of Technology
Unfair risk impositions from car driving and responsibility for road safety in Low-Income countries |
9:15-10:45 |
Plenary 5: Beyond Band-Aids: Political Determinants for Injury Prevention
and Safety Promotion.
Room :Shahjehan Ballroom Plenary - 5
10:45-11:15 |
and coffee break
11:15-12:30 |
Parallel Session 9:
Global Surgery & Trauma
Moderator: Prof Rebecca Ivers, UNSW,
Room: Shahjehan
Chair: Dr Alison Macpherson, York
University, Canada
Room: Mumtaz
(B2) Burns - Data
Paper number: 16
Professor Rebecca MitchellAustralian Institute of Health
Innovation, Macquarie University, Australia
The impact of childhood burns on academic performance in Australia: a matched population-based cohort study
Paper number: 345
Professor Ashley Van NiekerkUniversity Of South Africa
Assault Burn Injuries in Children: Demographics, Risk Factors and Characteristics
Paper number: 510
Dr. Vikash Ranjan KeshriState Health Resource Centre,
Chhattisgarh, INDIA
Beyond Numbers: A Qualitative Study on Health Workforce Challenges in Burn Care in Uttar Pradesh, India
Paper number: 312
Dr Emily BebbingtonBangor University
Exploring the similarities and differences of burn registers globally: Results from an international data dictionary comparison study
Paper number: 322
Dr Emily BebbingtonBangor University
Strengthening international morbidity surveillance data on burn injury intent
Paper number: 735
Ms. Caitlin M. OrtonUniversity of Washington
Medicine Regional Burn Center
Rehabilitation educational outputs: A report of Burn Model System dissemination efforts
Paper number: 149
Ms Pratishtha SinghThe George Institute For Global
Investigating Stigma and Discrimination faced by Burn Patients in Health Facilities in India
Chair: Mr Atsani Ariobowo, FIA
Room: Jehangir 1
(R14) Road safety - Schools
Paper number: 198
Ms. Monica Olyslagers International Road Assessment Programme
Safety perception and safety measures: Joint forces to improve safety for youth around schools
Paper number: 221
Ms. Cuirong Ji NCNCD,China CDC
A pilot study on road traffic injuries interventions model among school-age children in China
Paper number: 257
Miss Monica NzangaKamuzu University Of Health Sciences
Risk Elimination on Walks to school(REmWalks)
Paper number: 567
Miss Alejandra Piragauta The George Institute for Global Health
Risk Elimination on Walks to School (RemWalkS) - qualitative analysis
Paper number: 448
Mr. Sanjay LuitelSafe And Sustainable Travel Nepal
Star Rating for Schools (SR4S): A New Approach in Enhancing Road Safety Infrastructure in Nepal
Paper number: 371
Ms. Daoruang KommuangpukThailand
The major killer of the beginner motorcycle diver on Thai roads
Chair: Prof Gautham Melur Sukumar,
Room: Roshanara
(R15) Road safety - General 2
Paper number: 338
Ms. Yuan ShangJohns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins University
Results and policy recommendations for seatbelt use in the Africa Region: a multi-city observational study
Paper number: 81
Prof. Hamid SooriCyprus International University And Traffic Polıce Of I.r. Iran
Presentation of a model for establishing zero vision on road traffic injuries
Paper number: 718
Mr. Jacob IdanUniversity Of Education, Winneba
The impact of Temperature and Rainfall on Road Traffic Fatalities in the Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area of Ghana.
Paper number: 722
Dr. Jayalath EdirisingheUniversity Of Peradeniya
Specialty of Single Vehicle Accidents: A Focus on Sri Lanka
Paper number: 727
Dr. Henok Girma AbebeKth Royal Institute Of Technology
Ensuring Equity and Social Justice in road safety in Low-Income Countries: Beyond the Safe Systems Approach
Paper number: 739
Mr. Jashwanth Tej KasalaGlobal Designing Cities Initiative
Safer Journeys to School - Emerging Practices in the Global South
Paper number: 751
Ms. Nour Abou KhalilAmerican University of Beirut, Faculty Of Health Sciences
Facilitators and Barriers to the Implementation of Injury Awareness and Training Programs within School Settings: A Scoping Review
Paper number: 463
Mr. Luiz Otavio Maciel MirandaMinistry of Health Brazil
The role and importance of the United Nations legal instruments on road safety in the Second Decade of Action 2021 – 2030
Chair: Prof Prerana Arora, Asia Road
Safety Academy, India
Room: Sheesh Mahal
Practice Stream 4
Paper number: 497
Senior Advisor México Valentina Ochoa VivancoGlobla Health Advocacy
Leading Advocacy Efforts in Road Safety: A Gender Perspective
Paper number: 635
Safer School Zones In Delhi - A Community - Government Model Ruchi VarmaHumanqind Design Foundation
Safer School Zones in Delhi - A new community - government model for road safety
Paper number: 374
Dr Shilpa DograOntario Tech University
Implementing Healthy Urban Policy in Mid-Sized Cities in Canada: Lessons from Copenhagen
Paper number: 421
Doctor Wafa SaidiMinistry Of Health
Comprehensive Road Safety Strategy for Tunisia: A Framework for Sustainable Transportation (2023-2034)
Paper number: 458
Dr Kulanthayan KC ManiUniversiti Putra Malaysia
Road Safety Policy Initiative in Selangor: 30kmh Speed Limit in School Zones
Chair: Dr Margie Peden, The George
Institute, UK
Room: Jahanara
(M4) Injuries and Substances
Paper number: 633
Dr. Ted R MillerPacific Institute for Research
& Evaluation + Curtin University School of Public
Survey-Based Six-Country Comparison of Drink Driving, Enforcement, Crashes, and Crash Reporting
Paper number: 646
Endowed Professor Gordon SmithWest Virginia University
Improving information on changed in drug use: Near real-time surveillance using syringe residue
Paper number: 661
Prof Adesola OlumideInstitute Of Child Health,
University of Ibadan
Prevalence and costs of alcohol use and alcohol-associated injuries among adolescents in Oyo state, Nigeria
Paper number: 726
Mr George CheriyanConsumer Organisation
Social Determinants and Drunken Driving
Paper number: 425
Mr Luiz OtavioMinistry of Health Brazil
Building a safety future: world-leading technologies for preventing alcohol and drug-impaired driving
Paper number: 217
Dr. Gautham Melur SukumarNIMHANS India
Drink-driving assessment in an Indian metropolis
WHO Meeting - EMRD (By Invite Only)
Room: Jehangir 2
12:30-13:45 |
Lunch & Spotlight sessions
12:45-13:45 |
Mobility, Gender, and Public Health
Moderator: Dr Manas Human, Nagarro
Raahgiri Foundation, India
Room: ShahJehan
13:45-15:00 |
Parallel Session 10:
Exploring evidence, policy and action in drowning prevention" Moderator: Mr Justin Scarr, RLSA, Australia Room: Shahjehan
Chair: Mr Blaise Murphet, TGI-UK
Room: Mumtaz
(R16) Road safety - Speed
Paper number: 74
Dr. Parama BasuNational Institute Of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences
Urban Rural Differences in Vehicle Speeds- Results from A Large-Scale Roadside Study in Bengaluru Metropolitan Region
Paper number: 128
Professor Elisa HidalgoCentre For Health Systems Research, National Institute of Public Health
Speeding in two Mexican cities: prioritizing road safety is essential
Paper number: 246
Dr S M SOHEL MahmudAccident Research Institute (ARI), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Paper number: 255
Professor Juan Pablo BocarejoUniversidad De Los Andes
Paper number: 342
Dr. Nukhba ZiaJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Paper number: 446
Dr Pallavi MNimhans
Paper number: 602
Dr Bhargab MaitraIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
What's new @WHO for preventing injuries and violence: our latest
resources and tools
Moderator: Dr Etienne Krug, WHO, Switzerland
Room: Jehangir
BUSINESS MEETING What's new @WHO for preventing injuries and violence: our latest resources and toolsModerator: Dr Etienne Krug, WHO, Switzerland Room: Jehangir
Chair: Dr Luisa Montoya, Pontificia
Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Room: Roshanara
(T5) Trauma care - prehospital 2
Paper number: 132
Mr. Amrit BanstolaBrunel University London
Prehospital emergency care for trauma victims in Nepal: a mixed methods study
Paper number: 222
Mr. Rahul Prakash SinghSavelife Foundation
Assessment of Ambulances and Emergency Medical Care Facilities on High-speed, High-fatality Corridors: Identifying Gaps and Proposing Strategies for Enhanced Emergency Care in India
Paper number: 235
PhD Luisa MontoyaPontificia Universidad Javeriana
Predictors of 24-hour mortality in patients with major trauma attended by emergency medical services in New Zealand
Paper number: 266
Dr. Rebbecca LilleyInjury Prevention Research Unit, University Of Otago
Rural and ethnic disparities in out-of-hospital pathways and care after road traffic-related trauma in New Zealand
Paper number: 272
Dr. Rebbecca Lilley Injury Prevention Research Unit, University Of Otago
The impact of indirect transport to a trauma centre on short-term survival for major trauma patients
Paper number: 237
Dr. Luisa Montoya Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Relationship between prehospital time and 24-hour mortality following injury in patients with major trauma in New Zealand
Chair: Dr Geetha Menon, ICMR, India
Room: Jahanara
(R17) Road Safety - Data 3
Paper number: 94
Dr. Ismael Ibarra-NavaVital Strategies
Enhancing Road Safety Data Completeness through Data Linkage in Recife, Brazil
Paper number: 485
Health Expert Farah IssakMinistry of Health - Somalia
Participation of Somalia in the Global Status Report for Road Safety 2023: an opportunity to better understand the status of road safety at the country-level.
Paper number: 550
Dr Preeti KumariTransportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre (TRIPC), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Assessment of Road Injuries and Fatalities in Delhi Trauma Hospitals and Police Crash Records
Paper number: 477
Mr Dan CampsallAgilysis
Maturity Measurement in Road Traffic Injury Prevention
Paper number: 705
Dr. Aldina MesicImperial College London
Paper number: 649
Ms Lauren BisiJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Chair: Dr Dennis Mazingi, TGI, UK
Room: Jahanara
(R18) Road Safety General
Paper number: 402
Dr. Chamaiparn SantikarnSocial mobilisation for motorcycle rider safety project, Thailand
Pluralistic approach in empowering the model communities for motorcycle rider safety
Paper number: 438
Ms Rania AbdelhamidEMRO, Egypt
Participation of Pakistan in the Global Status Report for Road Safety 2023: An opportunity to map the status of road safety at the country-level
Paper number: 763
Dr. Mohamed El Sadig Elhag AhmedUnited Arab Emirates University
Paper number: 767
Rita SavlaPost Road Accident Trauma Management Scenario in India – Gap, Challenges and Solution.
Paper number: 363
Dr Syed Hubbe AliUNICEF India
Mainstreaming Road safety for adolescents and youth in India
Paper number: 367
Ms Siriwan SantijiarakulSocial Mobilisation for Motorcycle Safety, Thailand
Internet Surveillance: Motorcycle specification and advertisement 2022-2023
Paper number: 677
Mr Krishnan SrinivasanWorld Bank
Developing a Multi-sectoral Metropolitan Road Safety Action Plan: Case Study from Chennai, India |
15:00-15:30 |
and coffee break
15:30-17:00 |
Award and closing ceremony
Chair: TBC Room: Shahjehan |